Event Tracker for Business

The easiest way to scan QR code and process received data

What is an Event Tracker for Business?

This app is dedicated for scanning QR codes and further processing of received data. There are several typical conditions in which our app can be useful:

For example, your business requires a lot of different equipment and sometime you have to inventory all of it. In order to speed up this process you have to generate a unique QR code for each piece of equipment and place it on its enclosure. Your employee can scan uniquely generated QR codes during inventory. Scanned data will be sent to your server. Your server will make a record of the fact that a particular piece of equipment was checked during the inventory process. In case your equipment is scattered across several different areas, app conveniently allows you to store user's Geo-position coordinates at the time of scanning.

If you organize concerts or other events, then uniquely generated QR codes can be used as entry tickets. Before somebody enters the event area, he or she has to submit received QR code to the controller, which will scan it with our app. Scanned QR code will be sent to your server, where it will be marked as “already used” (to make it impossible to re-enter using the same QR code). When event finishes, you can see the number of visitors.

Use-case of Event Tracker for Business

In order to receive an SMS activation code when the app starts for the first time, the user has to enter his phone number – so our server will be able to determine to which organization this user belongs to. Thus the session starts after entering a phone number.

Scan process starts as soon as the camera gets focused on the QR-code. The QR-code is being automatically analyzed and the results of scan process are being sent to the server. Additionally, the app allows you to configure sending settings so the user's Geo-location coordinates will be sent to the server at the moment of code being scanned. If sending to the server fails, the app will show the number of failed requests and then there will be the choice for the user with two buttons: the first button will repeat the attempt to send information and the second one will export the content of the QR codes.

Then scan process will continue.

I would like to use Event Tracker for Business app in my own business, how do I start?

First of all, in order to contact us you have to use suggested contact form. Describe in letter your business and how you would like to use the Event Tracker for Business app. After we discuss the specifics of your business, we will ask you for a list of phone numbers for your employees. This information is required in order to identify them (authorization process in the app requires phone number). Then we will provide you with documentation for the API and you will be able to configure the interaction with our servers.

Is there an easy way to get more familiar with the features of the app?

The app has a demo mode. Using demo mode you can see how the app operates without having to integrate it into your business and open a session using a phone number. All scanned QR codes will be displayed below for demonstrative purposes.

Panel heading
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter
